Build Apps
unicwig API help Store Admins and App developers to manage stores with efficiency.
Explore unicwig API reference and templating documentation. You have access to everything from the Admin API.
This QUICKSTART guide intends to walk you through 6 steps to use the APIs, and hopefully, after this journey, you would know how to use unicwig APIs to manage stores.
Before you use unicwig's Open API to build your apps to provide services for merchants, your need to join our partner program platform, follow this guide to register a unicwig Partner account
You can create an app in partner dashboard, then your Client ID & Client Secret will generated automatically, you can use these for the OAuth process and Open API, follow this guide to create an app.
Developers need the development store when developing apps for app's testing and verification, follow this guide to create development store
After you get your Client key and Client Secret, then you have to let your app to get merchants permission to use Open API to read and write their data by go through the OAuth process.
Follow OAuth - Step 2: Get API Access Token to get merchants permission to get the API Access Token.
After your app has retrieved an API Access Token, your app can make authenticated request to Admin API.
Follow OAuth - Step 3: Make authenticated requests to learn more how to make authenticated requests.
When you finished app development, you could submit by go the the partner dashboard to submit your app for review, follow this guide to know how to submit your app.